Monthly Featured Hawaiian Coffee Farm: Miranda Farms
Monthly Featured Hawaiian Coffee Farm: Miranda Farms

Monthly Featured Hawaiian Coffee Farm: Miranda Farms

Regular price $39.95

Our new featured 100% Local Hawai’i-Grown coffee - 100% Ka'u Miranda Farms 🌺

With roots in farming in El Salvador, across the Central America Coffee Belt, Jose and Berta both started in Hawaii as coffee and macadamia nut pickers. In 2006 they realized their dream, and the Miranda Family – along with their four children Maria, Ana, Carlos, and Gabriel – started Miranda Farms on the Big Island of Hawaii. They obtained their first coffee plantation of ten acres in Pahala, Moaula Cloud Rest. As they gradually increased in business, they expanded to another 20 acres. Miranda's Farms is established on the foundation of faith, humility, and, most notably, God, the heart of the business.

Jose & Berta Miranda share a passion for Kaʻu coffee. Jose says “Coffee trees are beautiful! I love to watch them grow, blossom and fruit.” Berta shares his feelings. “It is so beautiful on the farm. When we are away we miss seeing the day to day changes in the trees.” Due to their devotion and harvesting practices, Jose and Berta are the most dedicated of Ka’u coffee farmers!

Washed Parchment Dried - Red Catuai

Medium Roast

Flavor notes: Almond, Chocolate, and Honey

8oz Bag


In recent decades, the neighboring region to Kona began to make a name for itself. Coffee was planted in Ka’u over one hundred years ago but, like most of the coffee growing regions of Hawai‘i, was overshadowed by sugarcane production. 

In 1996, when the district’s largest sugar plantation closed, displaced plantation workers looked to coffee as a replacement crop. Early production of Ka‘u coffee was mostly sold to and marketed as Kona coffee but eager, talented producers sought their own recognition and marketability. The quality of coffee coming from the district rivaled its neighbor and won many awards. This lead to the growing region’s own origin trade name and Ka‘u gaining a reputation for producing some of the best coffee in Hawaiʻi.

Ka‘u is located on the southernmost tip of the Island of Hawaii. While the landscape of the district is quite diverse from Mauna Loa lava fields, to eroded pastures, to the dry, high deserts of Volcano National Park, most coffee is grown in the valleys between where the trees enjoy a sunny climate with afternoon mist and cloud cover. Ka‘u coffee is home to less than 100 farms with a diverse range of coffee varieties and processing methods contributing to a multitude of fantastic flavor profiles.